Assignment #2/ Week #2: Write a reflection on Practices in the Classroom Video.

            After watching the video, Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices I was amazed at the underlying principles, teaching methods, and progression. As of today, classrooms are integrated with diverse language backgrounds and learning outcomes. Identifying the factors that positively and negatively impact student achievement is important when insuring diverse students have the literacy skills to cope learning literacy. After watching the video, I noticed that the teacher skillfully integrated a range of instructional approaches and resources to meet the diverse learning of the students.  

These instructional approaches, also noted in the video, include:
1)      Read-Aloud
2)      Shared Reading
3)      Guided Reading
4)      Independent Reading
5)      Instructional Reading Level
6)      Interactive Writing
7)      Independent Writing

There are some examples that effective teachers of literacy follow such as:
1)      Knowing what the students need to comprehend
2)      Have high expectations for students and encourage them to go beyond
3)      Using flexible use of instructional practices
4)      Inviting parents/Caregivers on board to share effective teaching approaches they can practice at home as well
5)      Be engaged with students
6)      Keep a record/portfolio of each child to keep track on is they are progressing or regressing
7)      Understanding the developmental nature of learning and the complexities of reading and writing
8)      Taking notes on the student patterns of progress as they become literate
9)      Understanding that students take individual and various pathways in learning
             Most importantly as shown in the video by the teacher, effective teachers are aware of the complexities of texts and challenges students may face. Effective teachers are also able to recognize the sequence of events that happen in the classroom and how student learning can have an effect on it.


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