
Showing posts from February, 2018

Week # 3/Assignment #1: Assessment Driven Instruction Video

Shared Reading On your  Observational Checklist  (PDF), note the Essential Components that are addressed during the first part of the shared reading activity. How does this activity engage students who are at different levels of literacy development? Some essential components include using sight words, high frequency words, rhyming words, and poems that are in the kid’s interest per week. Ms. Perez then pulls out phonics lessons from the group shared reading. Word walls are also included in the classroom where they can associate the vowel sound with a specific word. This activity engages students who are at different levels to allow students to be grouped and join in on the lesson even if they are on different levels of literacy development. It’s an interactive reading experience while guided and supported by the teacher and other experienced readers. Students can observe the expert reading with fluency and ...

Assignment #3/ Week 2:Critique on the sample lesson plan

          I liked that this lesson plan included exposure to different cultures by allowing the student to read and write about culture while gaining more knowledge that can be used for future references. This also ties into students developing an understanding of and respect for diversity in various areas within and outside the classroom. The only thing I would adjust about this lesson plan is listing effective tools that can be used to measure the progress of the students, such as creating student portfolios.

Assignment #2/ Week #2: Write a reflection on Practices in the Classroom Video.

            After watching the video, Teaching Reading K-2: A Library of Classroom Practices I was amazed at the underlying principles, teaching methods, and progression. As of today, classrooms are integrated with diverse language backgrounds and learning outcomes. Identifying the factors that positively and negatively impact student achievement is important when insuring diverse students have the literacy skills to cope learning literacy. After watching the video, I noticed that the teacher skillfully integrated a range of instructional approaches and resources to meet the diverse learning of the students.   These instructional approaches, also noted in the video, include: 1)       Read-Aloud 2)       Shared Reading 3)       Guided Reading 4)       Independent Reading 5)       Instructional Reading Level 6) ...

Assignment #1/ Week #2: Write a short reflection on your understanding of the ELA instruction.

     There are five key features of common core standards that are important for ELA instruction which include reading, writing, speaking, language, and listening.       Reading and writing connection overlap each other where reading instruction is effective when combined with writing instruction. When students read overtime they become better writers especially when they are exposed to different genres which will allow children to learn variety of textual structures and languages. Which this exposure it allows students to be immersed in information that they can use to build on through text. In addition, what children know may come from the text they read which will provide them with knowledge they will be able to use in the future.         Reading plays a major role in writing because writing is structured by conveying knowledge in print, thus information is needed to share before it can be written. Writing evidence from t...