Week# 7/ Assignment # 2: Questions

1.     How can you ensure that your struggling readers have access to texts they can easily read?
The teacher must select texts in the classroom where students can have access to that match the kids’ level of reading proficiency and text that match their level of conceptual development. A class library is an area where students can select a book to read at their level. Included in the literacy can be text where students can read the book while comprehending.  
2. How can you foster a learning environment in which students have many opportunities to practice reading? 
Students can be exposed to different categorized genre of books in the classroom and then sub-divided into fiction and non-fiction. To practice reading it’s important for students to have access to books that they can actually read at their level and read accurately and some books that may have some background knowledge and experience with them. With opportunities of practice reading, students are able to comprehend and not just read the words in the book without knowing what they are reading. It’s important for students to read in phrases; perceive the syntax of the sentence and assign the phrasal units as they are reading. To do this the student will have to pay attention to sentence structure and predicting how the sentence is going to go.

3. Describe ways in which you can model fluent reading in your classroom throughout the day.
      There are three components of reading fluency. These components include selecting appropriate text, opportunities to practice reading, and non-interruptive reading strategies. In addition, it’s important for instructors to tie key concept material to the text which can benefit on reading fluency. Organized classroom instruction also helps in modeling fluent reading in classrooms by allowing students to be in small group instruction, large group instruction, or side by side reading. With whole class instruction for long periods of the day, students will not be able to master their reading level to where they want to achieve to be at. It’s also important for instructors to not interrupt the reader even if they made a mistake in the text until the end of the sentence or page to help students develop fluency in reading. It’s also important to allow students to self-monitor their reading even if there are mistakes so that the students don’t have to rely on if they are correct or not on each word when read they pause and wait for the green light by the instructor to keep reading. The most effective strategy of teaching is modeling the behavior Read aloud has benefits where it models oral reading fluency and intonation.


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