
Showing posts from April, 2018

Learning Task and Assignment#2 Read Aloud

1.        Choose one from the seven strategies mentioned in the article. Read-Alouds 2.        Explain how this strategy can be employed in the classroom. Read alouds can be employed in the classroom by the instructor reading to students every day in the classroom for a minimum of five minutes. It’s important for the instructor to model the text by allowing students to hear the expression, pronounciation of vocabulary, and punciation within a text read to them to ensure they are hearing fluent reading and build oral language and early literacy skills. Read alouds can be employed by using overhead projections while students to follow along, audio, or verbally following with a finger or highlighter reading along using the same text as the instructor. In addition read alouds is important for complex interactions in which the instructor chooses the text, identify words for instruction, and select appropriate strategies to f...

Focus on Comprehension using ITC Lesson Plan

Candidate’s Name: Angelicia Ming Grade Level: 1st Title of the lesson: Comprehension Activity using ITC Length of the lesson: 30min Central focus of the lesson (The central focus should align with the CCSS/content standards and support students to develop an essential literacy strategy and requisite skills for comprehending or composing texts in meaningful contexts) Key questions: what do you want your students to learn? Students will learn how to use ITCs to create a graph while using components from the reading assignment to present information what are the important understandings and core concepts you want students to develop within the learning segment? I want students to learn to use ITCs as an alternative resource to present information from the text. I want to expose students how visual technology can be incorporated in classroom instruction and activities. Sample: critical thinking, textual evide...